Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Frustration Why is it that every time I try to plan ahead and get ahead of the game it never works. I dropped off my Repronex prescription 3 weeks ago and its still not ready. I knew that it was going to take awhile to get the insurance sorted out. So I thought 2 weeks would be plenty of time. For those of you that don't know I was a pharmacy technicion prior to becoming a SAHM. So I know exactly what is required in getting this medication approved. I have in fact been doing most of the leg work myself. It seems the staff at said pharmacy cannot be bothered to pick up a phone. So I have had to call my Dr's. office twice and my insurance company once. And its still not ready. I will soon be transferring my scripts to yet another pharmacy. I only hope I will get the meds before I have to cancel my cycle. So frustrating!!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh what a pain!!! 3 weeks is ridiculous!!! Let me at em!!! LOL :) Love ya, Nan xo
